Brand: Diadem
String: Solstice Power
Thickness: 16 (1.30 mm)
Type: Soft co-polyester string
Similar strings: Luxilon Alu Power, Solinco Tour Bite Soft, Völkl Cyclone, Babolat RPM Blast, Head Gravity

Tested Through:
Name: Mike
Playing strength: 4/4
Type player: Classical player, flat groundstrokes, generates yourself few spider. To for short shoulder problems had.
Racket: Head Graphene Radical MP, 98 sq/inch, 16/19 stringing pattern
Hardness stringing: 24/24 kg bee An stringing range by 22-26 kg
Test duration: 14 o'clock
Sustainability: 8.5
Voltage maintenance: 8
Spin/Slice: 9
Ball feeling: 7.5
Power: 7.5
Control: 8.5
Comfort/Arm-friendliness: 7.5

to stretch by the string:
It comes rather at sometime for that 'formed' strings what more difficult at stretched are, of name bee It braid by the cross strings. Or that the strings Through the coarser texture what annoying be able to are for the fingertips. No by this everything bee the Diadem Solstice Power 16. The string turns few and touches not in the it is. Funny is that you the special six-pointed (star) form by the string immediately feels. You need not the clamps by the stringing machine not special tight at to have to the string Good solid at be able to to make. Bee It braid by the cross strings is It not otherwise than bee other polyester strings: sets the string even right for you the machine this On leave Pull. The string retains fine are form bee It stretched, so you need not you no to assure at to make about the form by the string bee It to pin down by the clamps.
Earlier have I also the Diadem Solstice Power 17 , the thinner version by this string, to be allowed to review. Both strings to have similar playing features: unknown power and spider combined of excellent voltage maintenance. Well is Good at to notice that the Solstice Power 16 what thicker is. The string feels something more robust On and offers something more control. About sustainability and control wins this string It than also by are thinner version. About comfort and vibration damping wins the Diadem Solstice Power 17 It.

Review: Diadem Solstice Power 16
The Solstice Power series scores in terms of comfort and elasticity anyway terribly high. The free power bee this string is An welcome bonus for An player as I of An average swing. Of mine what flatter forehand want to I yet well at sometime overheat, what means that I the balls earlier long than short salad. The extra snapback and grip by the string to assure for clearly more spider and so margin in mine to succeed. Balls that I normal at long would to hit, traps now yet for the baseline. Terribly nice, because you Ordinary complete you blow can to stay to make.
Mine slice backhand is not certain mine weapon, but the grip that you of the Diadem Solstice Power 16 on the ball can generate, is enormous. Because of this remained mine backhand slices tight and right. It 'floating' by the ball, what bee this blow yet well at sometime happens, have I not or hardly experienced: An world by difference!
In It recent past have I unfortunately shoulder problems had. Mine sensitive shoulder can bee It serve (and smash) to play up. I can from arm/shoulder yourself not An huge speed generate, so I have staff by the string necessary. Both speed as spider and slice are super comfortable at produce of this string. Mine favourite service of this string is from right of slice Unpleasant outside. Super comfortable and checked, of few tax for the shoulder.
Just Play:
At It just offers the string An nice, direct feel for steady volleys. What the most polyester strings, and Like this also the Diadem Solstice Power 16, to have, is that the strings after An blow weather neat come back in position. Fit after many o'clock game had to I off and to An string to straighten out. Terribly pleasant so. This comes co Through the low friction by string on string Through the star shaped build. The strings burn because of this also a lot of fewer fast in, what contributes On An very high sustainability.
Voltage maintenance:
About It voltage maintenance by the string can I short are: I know few other polyester strings that better their tension to stay retain. Here shines the Diadem Solstice Power line Real in out! A Nice compare of colleague string Babolat RPM Blast leave to see that the string more elastic is, more ball bite (friction string on ball) has and fewer voltage drop.

All of already can I the Diadem Solstice Power 16 Certainly recommend! The blend by power, spider, sustainability and voltage maintenance is magnificent! Also in terms of comfort stands this string are male. This 16-thickness council I On for players that regularly their stringing out to hit. The 17-thickness offers same fantastic playing features of more feeling and more comfort for the arm. Bee doubt between this two, council I On to always first the thinner version at try.
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