About us
At MijnRacket.nl we are passionate about sports and believe in the power of good equipment to improve your game. Our mission is simple: we strive to offer high-quality rackets and accessories that meet the needs of both beginners and experienced players.

Myracket.nl was founded in 2015 by tennis enthusiasts Mike and Stephan. Mike was struggling with shoulder problems around that time and started testing practically everything that was available in terms of rackets and strings in order to continue practicing our beautiful sport. This initially resulted in many blogs with racket and string reviews and later that year also in our specialized webshop. Our own product reviews remain super important to us and fun to provide a frame of reference which racket or string is suitable for which type of player. Myracket.nl offers the option to have all (unstrung) rackets strung with a string of your choice for free. We are also happy to measure the available stock of rackets of a certain model for you to find a racket with ideal specs for you. In the meantime, Iris has also joined our team, which means that we are always ready for you with 3 people! So don't settle for unstrung rackets, but go for customization at Myracket.nl!

Mike Veldhuis
Let me introduce myself: my name is Mike and I have been working at Intersport Veldhuis in Beverwijk for about 20 years, a store with its roots in running, football and tennis. I am an avid tennis player myself, since I was six. I have 20 years of stringing experience and knowledge of the racket collections of the major brands. Tennis is my passion and what better way than reviewing and blogging about your favorite hobby!

Iris Reeuwijk
Hi, I'm Iris Reeuwijk! I have been a great fan of tennis for years and play competitions and many tournaments myself. Super cool to now strengthen team mijnracket.nl with reviews of tennis rackets and strings. In addition to my extensive tennis experience, I have now found a second passion and expertise in stringing tennis rackets. Hopefully see you soon!

Stephan Couzijn
Let me introduce myself: I am Stephan Couzijn, 47 years old and an avid fan of tennis for over 35 years. As a child I often stood for hours hitting a wall with my wooden tennis racket. Later I did that with the first aluminum rackets on the tennis court. That was also the time that my interest in tennis rackets arose. From that moment on I read all the reviews, then in tennis magazines, later on the internet. From Boris Becker's iconic racket to Jimmy Conners' fluorescent yellow Estusa racket that flooded the American market in the 1990s. But the classic Wilson Pro staff 6.0 85 and the Head Agassi Radical limited edition also had my attention. I have been the proud owner of many of these legendary rackets. Furthermore, you can still wake me up for a game of tennis and I have been playing competitively for years and am now also an enthusiastic tester.