Brand: Yonex
Type string: Poly Tour Pro 1.25
Thickness: 16L (1.25)
Tested Through:
Name: Stephan
Playing strength: 5/5
Type player: Allcourter, eastern grip, one-handed backhand, free flat to succeed
Racket: Wilson Juice Pro, 96 sq/inch, regular 16/20 stringing pattern
Hardness stringing: 25/25 kg bee An stringing range by 24-28 kg
Test duration: 6 o'clock
Sustainability: 9
Voltage maintenance: 8
Spin/Slice: 7
Ball feeling: 8
Power: 7
Control: 9
Comfort/Arm-friendliness: 7

On the product description stands 'Poly string or the year 2014', used Through Martina Hingis that after years absence An remarkable comeback in It double game has made. This polyester string is becoming praised to are sustainability, control, feeling and comfort. Actually all facets by It tennis. That want to I yourself than well at sometime even testing!
In mine previous review wrote I about the Head Hawk Touch, An flexible string of a lot of feeling and An dampening effect. In mine Wilson Juice Pro felt the Head Hawk Touch all soft and flexible, something at soft Unpleasant mine taste in combination of the flex by mine racket.
The Yonex Poly Tour Pro 1.25 is Unpleasant mine idea An fewer elastic polyester string that on It first sight seems on mine old strings that I a lot of in mine Wilson have played. Bee It first ball contact is It coming home: An Delicious directly feeling! The string do such as I by An poly expected few otherwise than the strength by the blow directly convey on the ball.
Further fell immediately on that It serve of a lot of precision and control went. I have seldom Like this stable served. Two sets doubled and only three second services hooves to hit. The to succeed from the baseline are comfortable and feel not bad on mine arm. Also the length in mine to succeed is thick in order. Well must you yourself for power to assure, the string helps you there not Real along. By means of An kilo lighter at to go, get you perhaps what more free power.
Advantage by this string is that you not fast at long beats (overheated) and you so Tasty can to hand out without you in at to keep. This string do It Unpleasant mine opinion fine in An more flexible frame of An considerable weight. Bee An next test would I the string yet something lower to leave stretched. It to hit by volleys is of this string Tasty directly. There opposite stands that the more subtle balls something more to jump. But Through you blow Good off at to make, lost himself that fast on.
Further are slices also fine at to hit and to have this sufficient length. For players that their own power be able to generate, takes care of the Yonex Poly Tour Pro 1.25 for a lot of stability and directly ball feeling. Absolute On at councils for the more flexible frames